all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 3LU 5 0 52.791437 -1.919491
WS15 3LW 3 0 52.787286 -1.936466
WS15 3LX 2 0 52.795314 -1.911179
WS15 3LY 4 1 52.788363 -1.920565
WS15 3LZ 6 0 52.791625 -1.916707
WS15 3NB 3 0 52.786999 -1.921654
WS15 3ND 22 0 52.786451 -1.922426
WS15 3NG 10 0 52.805843 -1.924943
WS15 3NH 12 0 52.807013 -1.927329
WS15 3NJ 7 0 52.807749 -1.926245
WS15 3NL 39 6 52.813013 -1.935064
WS15 3NN 5 0 52.802781 -1.932023
WS15 3NP 2 0 52.824847 -1.944718
WS15 3NQ 4 0 52.800792 -1.913249
WS15 3NR 3 0 52.82582 -1.948723
WS15 3NS 5 1 52.830076 -1.957079
WS15 3NT 2 0 52.830823 -1.963173
WS15 3NU 6 0 52.832568 -1.961143
WS15 3NW 2 0 52.808512 -1.942172
WS15 3NX 10 0 52.833242 -1.961024