all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 3NZ 8 1 52.78263 -1.937169
WS15 3PA 5 0 52.826251 -1.946635
WS15 3PB 2 0 52.826762 -1.945769
WS15 3PD 6 0 52.826152 -1.944602
WS15 3PE 5 1 52.827112 -1.942033
WS15 3PF 4 0 52.831901 -1.93652
WS15 3PG 5 0 52.83216 -1.933135
WS15 3PH 14 1 52.820844 -1.921726
WS15 3PJ 3 0 52.834736 -1.926303
WS15 3PL 3 0 52.834301 -1.922252
WS15 3PQ 2 0 52.82811 -1.927142
WS15 3PZ 5 0 52.821343 -1.883411
WS15 3QA 6 0 52.781528 -1.928024
WS15 3QB 1 1 52.750613 -1.865954
WS15 3QD 5 0 52.749743 -1.875883
WS15 3QE 15 1 52.749777 -1.882653
WS15 3QF 1 0 52.754997 -1.879898
WS15 3QG 23 0 52.767285 -1.840841
WS15 3QH 12 0 52.756891 -1.839427
WS15 3QJ 4 0 52.758439 -1.840681