all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 3RQ 22 0 52.761619 -1.885793
WS15 3RR 26 0 52.769049 -1.842732
WS15 3RS 19 1 52.771624 -1.846705
WS15 3RT 1 0 52.780418 -1.840512
WS15 3RW 9 0 52.763229 -1.886218
WS15 3RX 2 1 52.771738 -1.851433
WS15 3RY 2 0 52.765601 -1.853632
WS15 3RZ 7 2 52.768372 -1.840556
WS15 3SA 4 0 52.769542 -1.834801
WS15 3SB 1 0 52.759159 -1.82829
WS15 3SD 4 0 52.766578 -1.83041
WS15 3SE 1 0 52.766679 -1.825578
WS15 3SF 3 0 52.768779 -1.829038
WS15 3SG 1 0 52.770015 -1.832576
WS15 3SH 3 1 52.776452 -1.826681
WS15 3SJ 6 0 52.781801 -1.820863
WS15 3SL 8 0 52.788523 -1.825432
WS15 3SQ 2 0 52.771985 -1.833912
WS15 3YG 1 1 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 3YW 1 1 52.76163 -1.935703