all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 3FD 0 52.815749 -1.871986
WS15 3RL 0 52.760576 -1.88498
WS15 3NE 0 52.785452 -1.920782
WS15 3BR 0 52.818154 -1.906596
WS15 3BQ 0 52.819012 -1.880553
WS15 3FB 0 52.817194 -1.879575
WS15 3FA 0 52.815269 -1.861583
WS15 3FE 3 0 52.816394 -1.879503
WS15 3FF 4 0 52.782377 -1.922325
WS15 3FG 1 0 52.812562 -1.876695
WS15 3FJ 8 0 52.757838 -1.8815
WS15 3FL 5 0 52.757362 -1.881309
WS15 3NY 3 0 52.804988 -1.911931
WS15 4AA 46 3 52.741942 -1.878142
WS15 4AE 6 1 52.741882 -1.88175
WS15 4AF 17 0 52.741065 -1.881418
WS15 4AG 23 0 52.740211 -1.881924
WS15 4AH 30 0 52.739035 -1.883393
WS15 4AJ 15 0 52.739341 -1.883762
WS15 4AL 26 0 52.740652 -1.882633