all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 4DS 0 52.742921 -1.868155
WS15 4DT 1 52.743224 -1.866036
WS15 4DU 0 52.734446 -1.862849
WS15 4DW 0 52.74174 -1.866287
WS15 4DX 0 52.729866 -1.859792
WS15 4DY 0 52.726949 -1.863563
WS15 4DZ 0 52.74609 -1.865222
WS15 4EA 0 52.744658 -1.862551
WS15 4EB 0 52.749143 -1.862635
WS15 4ED 0 52.749674 -1.854609
WS15 4EE 0 52.743621 -1.867561
WS15 4EF 0 52.741092 -1.865006
WS15 4EG 0 52.741966 -1.866662
WS15 4EH 3 52.740283 -1.865082
WS15 4EJ 0 52.739015 -1.864257
WS15 4EL 0 52.739664 -1.865973
WS15 4EN 0 52.739214 -1.865412
WS15 4EP 0 52.739581 -1.864655
WS15 4EQ 0 52.738585 -1.86605
WS15 4ER 0 52.739545 -1.864137