all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 4BR 0 52.74182 -1.881149
WS15 4BS 0 52.742232 -1.87983
WS15 4BT 1 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 4BU 0 52.743276 -1.872672
WS15 4BW 0 52.741324 -1.880202
WS15 4BX 0 52.742935 -1.872747
WS15 4BY 0 52.742374 -1.878437
WS15 4DA 0 52.740881 -1.869006
WS15 4DB 1 52.740619 -1.867762
WS15 4DD 0 52.741769 -1.867655
WS15 4DE 1 52.740617 -1.867061
WS15 4DF 0 52.737451 -1.865707
WS15 4DG 0 52.735575 -1.866756
WS15 4DH 0 52.736742 -1.866026
WS15 4DJ 0 52.737679 -1.867416
WS15 4DL 0 52.73829 -1.86691
WS15 4DN 0 52.74164 -1.865561
WS15 4DP 1 52.74256 -1.867297
WS15 4DQ 0 52.736609 -1.867449
WS15 4DR 0 52.742319 -1.869031