all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 4NA 0 52.707203 -1.928367
WS15 4NB 2 52.70678 -1.928664
WS15 4ND 0 52.704915 -1.921963
WS15 4NE 0 52.702982 -1.922877
WS15 4NF 1 52.702957 -1.923861
WS15 4NG 0 52.700356 -1.922394
WS15 4NH 0 52.706963 -1.919887
WS15 4NJ 0 52.705144 -1.915066
WS15 4NL 0 52.704357 -1.908778
WS15 4NN 0 52.712069 -1.896032
WS15 4NP 0 52.709413 -1.883066
WS15 4NQ 0 52.695689 -1.917511
WS15 4NW 0 52.710923 -1.903133
WS15 4PA 1 52.726161 -1.882731
WS15 4PB 2 52.726585 -1.883471
WS15 4PD 0 52.727483 -1.883039
WS15 4PE 0 52.727303 -1.882388
WS15 4PF 0 52.72758 -1.881128
WS15 4PG 0 52.726771 -1.880908
WS15 4PH 0 52.727947 -1.879099