all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 4PJ 0 52.728126 -1.880114
WS15 4PL 1 52.728192 -1.882853
WS15 4PN 1 52.728733 -1.883035
WS15 4PP 0 52.728581 -1.884191
WS15 4PQ 0 52.727688 -1.880713
WS15 4PR 0 52.728087 -1.88434
WS15 4PS 0 52.725601 -1.880343
WS15 4PT 2 52.722913 -1.879379
WS15 4PU 0 52.720761 -1.876528
WS15 4PW 0 52.729264 -1.884145
WS15 4PX 0 52.722556 -1.874237
WS15 4PY 0 52.720337 -1.875137
WS15 4PZ 0 52.719992 -1.871689
WS15 4QA 0 52.724393 -1.868152
WS15 4QB 0 52.720443 -1.865232
WS15 4QD 0 52.712768 -1.867914
WS15 4QE 0 52.718799 -1.873676
WS15 4QF 1 52.71765 -1.876166
WS15 4QG 0 52.719773 -1.876901
WS15 4QH 0 52.71762 -1.882881