all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 4TF 0 52.739174 -1.869618
WS15 4TG 0 52.737339 -1.869431
WS15 4TH 0 52.735111 -1.862255
WS15 4TP 0 52.73867 -1.869827
WS15 4TQ 0 52.735697 -1.863601
WS15 4TR 0 52.740307 -1.870592
WS15 4TS 0 52.739918 -1.868549
WS15 4TT 0 52.740298 -1.869941
WS15 4TU 0 52.739813 -1.870372
WS15 4TX 0 52.738874 -1.875099
WS15 4TY 0 52.73837 -1.875056
WS15 4TZ 0 52.737613 -1.872555
WS15 4UN 0 52.740096 -1.874444
WS15 4UP 0 52.739449 -1.875201
WS15 4UR 0 52.739684 -1.876356
WS15 4UT 0 52.740249 -1.874725
WS15 4UU 0 52.740562 -1.873139
WS15 4UW 0 52.740059 -1.873392
WS15 4UX 0 52.740744 -1.875642
WS15 4UY 0 52.740701 -1.877049