all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 4UZ 2 52.738134 -1.87285
WS15 4XU 1 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 4YD 0 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 4BZ 0 52.742217 -1.883503
WS15 4BG 0 52.741921 -1.8834
WS15 4HR 0 52.741977 -1.886111
WS15 4AD 0 52.74194 -1.867151
WS15 4QS 0 52.714552 -1.878899
WS15 4BQ 0 52.740814 -1.874057
WS15 4FB 0 52.740515 -1.863838
WS15 4FA 0 52.742289 -1.874304
WS15 9LD 1 0 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 9WX 1 1 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 9YY 1 0 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 9ZJ 1 0 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 9AW 1 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 9DS 1 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 9GB 0 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 9DY 1 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 9EG 1 52.76163 -1.935703