all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 2HP 41 0 52.584224 -1.973715
WS1 2HQ 8 1 52.584548 -1.974763
WS1 2HR 34 0 52.584224 -1.973715
WS1 2HS 69 0 52.584188 -1.97221
WS1 2HT 69 0 52.583693 -1.972328
WS1 2HU 63 0 52.584313 -1.971796
WS1 2HW 34 0 52.583577 -1.973598
WS1 2HX 16 1 52.584637 -1.971693
WS1 2HZ 2 1 52.584878 -1.972588
WS1 2JA 39 2 52.585051 -1.973995
WS1 2JJ 3 2 52.582731 -1.972048
WS1 2JL 64 2 52.58337 -1.971841
WS1 2JN 37 2 52.582902 -1.971
WS1 2JP 7 5 52.581722 -1.972191
WS1 2JQ 6 5 52.582945 -1.974197
WS1 2JR 4 2 52.581686 -1.972737
WS1 2JS 18 2 52.581122 -1.972522
WS1 2JU 12 2 52.581293 -1.971754
WS1 2JX 35 2 52.5807 -1.971784
WS1 2JY 44 1 52.581985 -1.969938