all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 2JZ 24 1 52.581778 -1.970588
WS1 2LA 50 1 52.581661 -1.969186
WS1 2LB 48 0 52.58158 -1.968891
WS1 2LD 28 1 52.580627 -1.9696
WS1 2LE 38 0 52.580223 -1.971017
WS1 2LF 23 0 52.580276 -1.968759
WS1 2LG 42 0 52.581328 -1.967932
WS1 2LH 42 1 52.581094 -1.967253
WS1 2LJ 47 0 52.580923 -1.966988
WS1 2LN 7 5 52.58079 -1.974485
WS1 2LP 1 1 52.581203 -1.973835
WS1 2LQ 43 0 52.5814 -1.968286
WS1 2LR 5 0 52.579827 -1.969659
WS1 2LT 21 13 52.579873 -1.974441
WS1 2LW 9 0 52.583558 -1.969908
WS1 2LX 1 1 52.580655 -1.974677
WS1 2LZ 1 1 52.579765 -1.974249
WS1 2NA 8 6 52.580359 -1.975311
WS1 2ND 1 1 52.581536 -1.975827
WS1 2NE 10 2 52.580161 -1.976138