all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 3BL 6 0 52.57803 -1.974029
WS1 3BN 6 0 52.579154 -1.976153
WS1 3BQ 9 0 52.574856 -1.972703
WS1 3BS 15 1 52.576168 -1.979853
WS1 3BT 38 0 52.576404 -1.979549
WS1 3BX 17 6 52.578328 -1.980463
WS1 3BZ 10 3 52.578202 -1.979976
WS1 3DB 12 1 52.580699 -1.979748
WS1 3DD 2 0 52.574214 -1.966397
WS1 3DE 27 1 52.57991 -1.981347
WS1 3DF 20 4 52.581121 -1.978434
WS1 3DG 23 1 52.581384 -1.977805
WS1 3DH 4 0 52.581087 -1.977539
WS1 3DJ 12 9 52.580528 -1.978183
WS1 3DL 37 0 52.577663 -1.979268
WS1 3DN 42 0 52.580036 -1.977776
WS1 3DP 4 0 52.579505 -1.976906
WS1 3DR 27 3 52.579281 -1.978263
WS1 3DS 36 0 52.562319 -2.045864
WS1 3DT 11 0 52.579128 -1.979518