all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 3DU 32 0 52.579578 -1.980433
WS1 3DW 14 0 52.579586 -1.97757
WS1 3DX 32 0 52.579458 -1.97966
WS1 3DY 32 0 52.578892 -1.980044
WS1 3DZ 14 3 52.578876 -1.979311
WS1 3EA 4 0 52.575927 -1.978634
WS1 3EB 17 3 52.578163 -1.97783
WS1 3ED 1 0 52.577464 -1.977467
WS1 3EE 5 4 52.578094 -1.978515
WS1 3EF 5 0 52.577231 -1.97822
WS1 3EG 57 0 52.576422 -1.977793
WS1 3EH 35 0 52.574165 -1.977838
WS1 3EJ 37 0 52.573605 -1.976859
WS1 3EL 40 0 52.574435 -1.976377
WS1 3EN 8 0 52.574291 -1.975669
WS1 3EP 63 2 52.574984 -1.979284
WS1 3EQ 36 1 52.575026 -1.977832
WS1 3ER 5 0 52.575936 -1.97735
WS1 3ET 18 0 52.577878 -1.97763
WS1 3EU 3 0 52.573155 -1.963688