all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 3LE 23 0 52.569374 -1.978534
WS1 3LF 52 0 52.570183 -1.97663
WS1 3LG 25 0 52.570488 -1.977855
WS1 3LH 38 0 52.571711 -1.977839
WS1 3LJ 15 0 52.571936 -1.976718
WS1 3LP 51 0 52.579704 -1.982484
WS1 3LQ 23 0 52.571118 -1.977235
WS1 3LT 1 1 52.579407 -1.985332
WS1 3LU 6 1 52.581286 -1.984018
WS1 3LX 3 1 52.582075 -1.983879
WS1 3LY 2 1 52.581113 -1.983186
WS1 3NA 19 4 52.580872 -1.983118
WS1 3NF 8 1 52.580153 -1.982867
WS1 3NL 2 1 52.581346 -1.98171
WS1 3NP 17 0 52.580297 -1.982026
WS1 3NQ 5 5 52.581212 -1.981991
WS1 3NR 51 13 52.579713 -1.981525
WS1 3NU 5 0 52.57938 -1.982425
WS1 3NX 69 3 52.579192 -1.984122
WS1 3NY 18 0 52.579839 -1.984668