all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 8NX 1 52.588838 -1.989152
WS2 8PA 0 52.589207 -1.989624
WS2 8PL 0 52.5923 -1.994613
WS2 8PP 2 52.586897 -1.999307
WS2 8PR 5 52.58658 -1.99697
WS2 8PT 2 52.587364 -1.994407
WS2 8PZ 3 52.589549 -1.995543
WS2 8PU 1 52.588344 -1.995263
WS2 8PW 0 52.586456 -1.994186
WS2 8PX 0 52.58802 -1.995809
WS2 8QA 0 52.589827 -1.994717
WS2 8QB 0 52.590897 -1.994436
WS2 8QD 9 52.592549 -1.993279
WS2 8QG 10 52.590591 -1.986746
WS2 8QH 6 52.591122 -1.99541
WS2 8QJ 0 52.592075 -1.996872
WS2 8QL 0 52.592704 -1.996783
WS2 8QN 0 52.592434 -1.996798
WS2 8QP 0 52.591751 -1.997802
WS2 8QR 1 52.589783 -1.99854