all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 0BL 8 0 52.586553 -2.023218
WS2 0BN 3 3 52.582569 -2.020215
WS2 0BP 2 1 52.57971 -2.016967
WS2 0BS 30 1 52.58534 -2.018022
WS2 0BT 29 0 52.583407 -2.017726
WS2 0BW 6 6 52.583371 -2.018656
WS2 0BX 24 0 52.584612 -2.019822
WS2 0BZ 7 1 52.583991 -2.023291
WS2 0DA 1 1 52.582949 -2.019777
WS2 0DB 4 0 52.583593 -2.023949
WS2 0DF 24 0 52.581662 -2.023953
WS2 0DG 50 0 52.58169 -2.02112
WS2 0DH 52 1 52.583963 -2.026685
WS2 0DJ 17 0 52.585059 -2.028988
WS2 0DL 51 1 52.584305 -2.02642
WS2 0DN 34 0 52.584718 -2.026715
WS2 0DP 47 0 52.585312 -2.026125
WS2 0DQ 50 0 52.581456 -2.021297
WS2 0DR 27 0 52.585087 -2.02642
WS2 0DS 12 1 52.587172 -2.029639