all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 9NE 4 52.584029 -1.990408
WS2 9NJ 13 52.584065 -1.989744
WS2 9NF 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS2 9NG 0 52.58435 -1.993753
WS2 9NH 0 52.585135 -1.993197
WS2 9NP 1 52.58366 -1.988814
WS2 9NR 1 52.583651 -1.988238
WS2 9NT 9 52.581539 -1.991161
WS2 9NU 9 52.581718 -1.991766
WS2 9NW 7 52.583202 -1.988947
WS2 9NX 1 52.58224 -1.99184
WS2 9PB 1 52.582483 -1.991397
WS2 9PD 1 52.581611 -1.993316
WS2 9PG 9 52.583939 -1.991175
WS2 9PJ 7 52.584701 -1.997383
WS2 9PL 6 52.584973 -1.995381
WS2 9PN 0 52.58553 -1.994776
WS2 9PP 0 52.585387 -1.99758
WS2 9PR 1 52.584721 -1.99975
WS2 9PS 1 52.58233 -1.998924