all postcodes in WS3 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS3 1BB 2 52.608426 -1.984894
WS3 1BD 0 52.607662 -1.985264
WS3 1BE 0 52.606278 -1.985471
WS3 1BG 0 52.605855 -1.984585
WS3 1BH 0 52.605164 -1.98968
WS3 1BN 0 52.60732 -1.978028
WS3 1BQ 0 52.605379 -1.987701
WS3 1BS 0 52.60759 -1.980376
WS3 1BT 2 52.608129 -1.980701
WS3 1BU 0 52.607203 -1.981041
WS3 1BX 3 52.608498 -1.983359
WS3 1BY 0 52.608894 -1.98327
WS3 1BZ 1 52.610072 -1.985396
WS3 1DB 0 52.610089 -1.984717
WS3 1DD 0 52.611696 -1.983027
WS3 1DE 0 52.610809 -1.984185
WS3 1DF 0 52.611525 -1.981831
WS3 1DG 0 52.612434 -1.983661
WS3 1DL 1 52.610602 -1.982176
WS3 1DN 0 52.608813 -1.98197