all postcodes in WS3 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS3 1LZ 5 52.614942 -1.987663
WS3 1NA 0 52.614971 -1.988629
WS3 1NB 0 52.616625 -1.988732
WS3 1ND 0 52.616212 -1.987639
WS3 1NE 0 52.616608 -1.989618
WS3 1NF 0 52.61712 -1.988983
WS3 1NG 1 52.618531 -1.987801
WS3 1NH 0 52.615392 -1.977936
WS3 1NJ 0 52.616104 -1.985896
WS3 1NL 0 52.617093 -1.98659
WS3 1NN 0 52.615777 -1.979421
WS3 1NP 1 52.618819 -1.984714
WS3 1NQ 0 52.620329 -1.986486
WS3 1NR 0 52.617937 -1.983045
WS3 1NS 0 52.616832 -1.982528
WS3 1NT 0 52.616823 -1.984256
WS3 1NU 0 52.615708 -1.984833
WS3 1NW 0 52.618037 -1.985748
WS3 1NX 0 52.615079 -1.98405
WS3 1NZ 3 52.616615 -1.979441