all postcodes in WS7 / BURNTWOOD

find any address or company within the WS7 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS7 4TH 0 52.674381 -1.927267
WS7 4TJ 0 52.6742 -1.92567
WS7 4TL 0 52.673851 -1.928466
WS7 4TN 1 52.673239 -1.927979
WS7 4TP 0 52.67285 -1.92341
WS7 4TQ 0 52.674454 -1.93021
WS7 4TR 0 52.672399 -1.921459
WS7 4TS 0 52.672624 -1.921976
WS7 4TT 0 52.672922 -1.922804
WS7 4TU 1 52.67187 -1.923486
WS7 4TW 0 52.673777 -1.92468
WS7 4TX 0 52.671655 -1.924773
WS7 4TY 0 52.672285 -1.924831
WS7 4TZ 0 52.671773 -1.92566
WS7 4UA 0 52.672788 -1.925111
WS7 4UB 0 52.671171 -1.92677
WS7 4UD 0 52.671954 -1.92773
WS7 4UE 0 52.67198 -1.927227
WS7 4UF 0 52.672618 -1.926575
WS7 4UH 0 52.674882 -1.923924