all postcodes in WS / Walsall

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District

WS / Walsall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 2NF 5 1 52.579486 -1.972965
WS1 2NG 1 1 52.578668 -1.971505
WS1 2NH 19 0 52.578012 -1.971402
WS1 2NJ 23 1 52.576573 -1.968968
WS1 2NL 1 1 52.576932 -1.968319
WS1 2NN 27 0 52.576185 -1.967065
WS1 2NP 3 0 52.576032 -1.966076
WS1 2NQ 28 0 52.578389 -1.970885
WS1 2NR 7 0 52.575754 -1.9668
WS1 2NS 42 0 52.575466 -1.965944
WS1 2NT 24 0 52.574899 -1.96472
WS1 2NU 28 0 52.574081 -1.964765
WS1 2NW 33 0 52.576779 -1.967522
WS1 2NX 15 0 52.574144 -1.963982
WS1 2PA 30 1 52.57945 -1.970678
WS1 2PB 36 0 52.579333 -1.972685
WS1 2PD 6 1 52.579153 -1.971062
WS1 2PE 18 0 52.579 -1.970605
WS1 2PF 12 0 52.579413 -1.969689
WS1 2PG 2 1 52.578538 -1.966984