all postcodes in WS / Walsall

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District

WS / Walsall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 2PH 24 0 52.57925 -1.965203
WS1 2PJ 32 0 52.57907 -1.963152
WS1 2PL 27 0 52.578908 -1.961913
WS1 2PN 11 0 52.577802 -1.962799
WS1 2PQ 40 1 52.578927 -1.966694
WS1 2PS 23 0 52.574575 -1.962034
WS1 2PT 19 0 52.575132 -1.962786
WS1 2PU 17 0 52.576858 -1.961944
WS1 2PW 18 0 52.579017 -1.966959
WS1 2PX 13 0 52.578881 -1.961012
WS1 2PY 12 0 52.576588 -1.961088
WS1 2PZ 8 0 52.578898 -1.960053
WS1 2QA 10 2 52.581353 -1.960966
WS1 2QB 22 2 52.580849 -1.959889
WS1 2QD 23 0 52.583951 -1.961879
WS1 2QE 28 0 52.583772 -1.962853
WS1 2QF 15 0 52.586659 -1.967751
WS1 2QG 16 1 52.587945 -1.970599
WS1 2QH 59 1 52.589141 -1.971085
WS1 2QN 24 0 52.578875 -1.972774