all postcodes in WS / Walsall

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District

WS / Walsall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS9 9LL 33 0 52.623494 -1.934147
WS9 9LN 26 1 52.623808 -1.932433
WS9 9LP 4 4 52.626307 -1.932532
WS9 9LQ 16 0 52.623842 -1.930202
WS9 9LR 53 28 52.625918 -1.932364
WS9 9LS 58 0 52.625191 -1.931057
WS9 9LU 19 0 52.624767 -1.927866
WS9 9LW 32 0 52.624527 -1.932978
WS9 9LY 55 0 52.624649 -1.926995
WS9 9LZ 26 0 52.626008 -1.928839
WS9 9NA 39 1 52.627158 -1.928291
WS9 9NB 46 0 52.628452 -1.926472
WS9 9ND 14 0 52.629431 -1.925303
WS9 9NE 30 0 52.628846 -1.924713
WS9 9NF 7 0 52.627777 -1.925128
WS9 9NG 55 0 52.626708 -1.926578
WS9 9NH 25 0 52.626496 -1.933108
WS9 9NJ 10 0 52.629207 -1.926145
WS9 9NN 17 0 52.628561 -1.928451
WS9 9NP 30 11 52.629621 -1.927755