all postcodes in WS / Walsall

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District

WS / Walsall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS9 9NQ 18 0 52.625916 -1.925811
WS9 9NT 15 2 52.629735 -1.926449
WS9 9NU 14 0 52.631309 -1.924044
WS9 9NW 7 0 52.627752 -1.928896
WS9 9NX 44 0 52.632809 -1.922608
WS9 9NY 23 0 52.631372 -1.924842
WS9 9PA 1 1 52.634957 -1.921201
WS9 9PB 19 1 52.634902 -1.919073
WS9 9PD 60 0 52.633312 -1.92076
WS9 9PE 38 0 52.637531 -1.913128
WS9 9PF 36 0 52.640548 -1.908467
WS9 9PH 58 0 52.628303 -1.933164
WS9 9PJ 80 0 52.629877 -1.933901
WS9 9PL 35 0 52.629067 -1.933104
WS9 9PN 14 0 52.630694 -1.933249
WS9 9PP 9 0 52.63056 -1.93489
WS9 9PR 5 0 52.625371 -1.931765
WS9 9PS 14 0 52.625255 -1.932445
WS9 9PW 11 0 52.630677 -1.93387
WS9 9QA 18 0 52.63103 -1.92332