all postcodes in WV10 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV10 9JY 1 52.609235 -2.122984
WV10 9JZ 3 52.600211 -2.112919
WV10 9LA 6 52.606868 -2.12568
WV10 9LB 1 52.608838 -2.124799
WV10 9LE 9 52.605651 -2.126438
WV10 9LN 8 52.608255 -2.122922
WV10 9LP 4 52.608667 -2.122149
WV10 9LR 0 52.607411 -2.122211
WV10 9LS 1 52.607087 -2.122904
WV10 9LT 1 52.606594 -2.121352
WV10 9LU 12 52.605027 -2.121711
WV10 9LY 3 52.605427 -2.119415
WV10 9LZ 1 52.6052 -2.119098
WV10 9ND 0 52.604602 -2.117847
WV10 9NE 0 52.605708 -2.117363
WV10 9NF 0 52.604459 -2.117109
WV10 9NG 0 52.604513 -2.116666
WV10 9NH 0 52.606923 -2.116126
WV10 9NL 1 52.604998 -2.12566
WV10 9NP 0 52.603264 -2.115599