all postcodes in WV10 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV10 9PR 0 52.605829 -2.112712
WV10 9PS 0 52.606836 -2.113158
WV10 9PT 0 52.607195 -2.11104
WV10 9PU 0 52.6062 -2.110631
WV10 9PW 0 52.60619 -2.111487
WV10 9PX 0 52.606189 -2.112713
WV10 9PY 0 52.606259 -2.114352
WV10 9QA 10 52.60033 -2.110587
WV10 9QB 13 52.599665 -2.110304
WV10 9QD 1 52.601312 -2.117499
WV10 9QE 0 52.599745 -2.11122
WV10 9QF 13 52.600841 -2.111961
WV10 9QG 3 52.602383 -2.116173
WV10 9QH 0 52.603815 -2.11346
WV10 9QJ 0 52.605428 -2.109256
WV10 9QL 0 52.605069 -2.108915
WV10 9QN 0 52.60686 -2.106262
WV10 9QP 0 52.606741 -2.106668
WV10 9QQ 9 52.599644 -2.112844
WV10 9QR 1 52.607579 -2.106913