all postcodes in WV12 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV12 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV12 4AA 42 1 52.601275 -2.035495
WV12 4AD 9 0 52.602858 -2.03247
WV12 4AE 1 0 52.599972 -2.032483
WV12 4AF 2 0 52.600537 -2.032152
WV12 4AG 26 0 52.601438 -2.031996
WV12 4AH 19 0 52.600952 -2.034137
WV12 4AJ 27 0 52.601996 -2.031008
WV12 4AL 15 0 52.603623 -2.031127
WV12 4AN 27 0 52.603973 -2.031481
WV12 4AP 29 0 52.602562 -2.032071
WV12 4AQ 28 0 52.601321 -2.032484
WV12 4AR 25 0 52.599783 -2.033974
WV12 4AS 48 0 52.598696 -2.033781
WV12 4AT 9 0 52.59901 -2.033707
WV12 4AU 43 0 52.601968 -2.033636
WV12 4AW 25 0 52.60311 -2.031451
WV12 4AX 32 0 52.598507 -2.031699
WV12 4AY 24 0 52.598363 -2.032127
WV12 4AZ 42 0 52.598525 -2.031064
WV12 4BA 17 0 52.597698 -2.031108