all postcodes in WV15 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV15 5JP 9 0 52.555549 -2.393928
WV15 5JR 22 0 52.556718 -2.388614
WV15 5JS 12 0 52.557236 -2.386848
WV15 5JT 1 0 52.55555 -2.3744
WV15 5JU 4 0 52.563498 -2.393601
WV15 5JW 4 0 52.548188 -2.401678
WV15 5JX 5 0 52.563162 -2.388093
WV15 5JY 7 0 52.56707 -2.375796
WV15 5JZ 42 3 52.559771 -2.361116
WV15 5LA 7 0 52.55737 -2.358456
WV15 5LE 11 0 52.556046 -2.365377
WV15 5LF 31 3 52.558442 -2.357653
WV15 5LG 6 0 52.557471 -2.357911
WV15 5LH 9 0 52.559214 -2.355181
WV15 5LJ 6 0 52.558439 -2.355853
WV15 5LL 1 0 52.583112 -2.348217
WV15 5LP 4 0 52.578249 -2.35718
WV15 5LQ 1 1 52.534316 -2.419743
WV15 5LR 6 0 52.578499 -2.342351
WV15 5LS 26 0 52.585225 -2.357074