all postcodes in WV15 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV15 5LN 2 1 52.584798 -2.36033
WV15 5LT 7 0 52.592157 -2.371317
WV15 5LU 2 0 52.576292 -2.369793
WV15 5LW 6 0 52.56084 -2.358676
WV15 5LX 6 0 52.574946 -2.381294
WV15 5LY 8 0 52.569915 -2.396668
WV15 5LZ 7 0 52.574889 -2.395902
WV15 5NA 4 0 52.579427 -2.396577
WV15 5NB 1 0 52.584393 -2.381597
WV15 5ND 7 0 52.570513 -2.405998
WV15 5NG 18 2 52.545687 -2.408937
WV15 5NN 14 0 52.552219 -2.352617
WV15 5NR 11 2 52.553369 -2.349603
WV15 5NS 6 0 52.55536 -2.354413
WV15 5NT 18 1 52.56167 -2.344459
WV15 5NW 7 0 52.552113 -2.351732
WV15 5NX 30 1 52.572489 -2.318297
WV15 5NY 1 0 52.580461 -2.311239
WV15 5NZ 8 2 52.563356 -2.320249
WV15 5PA 7 0 52.564245 -2.311894