all postcodes in WV16 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV16 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV16 5JE 13 0 52.533507 -2.424881
WV16 5JF 7 0 52.534255 -2.42446
WV16 5JG 42 0 52.532138 -2.423172
WV16 5JH 12 0 52.531464 -2.428015
WV16 5JL 87 13 52.52073 -2.414438
WV16 5JN 7 0 52.51523 -2.414978
WV16 5JP 9 0 52.517772 -2.42225
WV16 5JQ 20 0 52.532875 -2.428014
WV16 5JR 16 0 52.514646 -2.414708
WV16 5JS 5 0 52.531011 -2.428053
WV16 5JT 34 0 52.512713 -2.409532
WV16 5JU 26 0 52.513402 -2.413222
WV16 5JW 16 0 52.515398 -2.415761
WV16 5JX 9 0 52.513478 -2.414476
WV16 5JY 8 0 52.514 -2.414377
WV16 5JZ 10 0 52.511569 -2.412969
WV16 5LA 4 0 52.507886 -2.419653
WV16 5LB 6 0 52.510582 -2.409822
WV16 5LE 14 0 52.511829 -2.410437
WV16 5LF 7 0 52.510149 -2.410216