all postcodes in WV16 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV16 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV16 5LP 7 1 52.516912 -2.439398
WV16 5LQ 25 0 52.502472 -2.395778
WV16 5LS 7 2 52.514508 -2.430842
WV16 5LW 6 0 52.52048 -2.431576
WV16 5LZ 6 0 52.535304 -2.4494
WV16 5NB 21 1 52.542957 -2.489586
WV16 5NL 6 0 52.525034 -2.445611
WV16 5NN 8 1 52.521249 -2.455049
WV16 5NP 3 0 52.531938 -2.462132
WV16 5NQ 8 2 52.527821 -2.442423
WV16 5NR 5 1 52.534423 -2.476974
WV16 5NS 5 0 52.544653 -2.492598
WV16 5NW 2 0 52.525536 -2.45232
WV16 5PA 49 0 52.534444 -2.436625
WV16 5PB 4 0 52.53383 -2.437297
WV16 5PD 7 0 52.533229 -2.436952
WV16 5PE 14 0 52.534091 -2.437211
WV16 5PF 12 0 52.534954 -2.437219
WV16 5PG 6 0 52.534151 -2.435663
WV16 5YN 1 1 52.534331 -2.419741