all postcodes in WV16 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV16 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV16 6HT 11 1 52.458434 -2.39568
WV16 6HU 34 0 52.458125 -2.394029
WV16 6HW 26 0 52.458091 -2.393454
WV16 6HX 2 0 52.45783 -2.389726
WV16 6HY 6 0 52.458089 -2.381972
WV16 6HZ 8 2 52.451792 -2.375917
WV16 6JF 17 5 52.449522 -2.382843
WV16 6JG 17 2 52.451028 -2.384327
WV16 6JL 19 0 52.450493 -2.385647
WV16 6JN 30 0 52.453268 -2.383685
WV16 6JP 15 0 52.450476 -2.38238
WV16 6JQ 15 0 52.449841 -2.384346
WV16 6JR 1 0 52.453461 -2.385202
WV16 6JS 12 0 52.452959 -2.384889
WV16 6JT 14 0 52.451335 -2.383933
WV16 6JU 1 1 52.449891 -2.382787
WV16 6JX 32 0 52.449867 -2.38186
WV16 6JY 18 0 52.45099 -2.382002
WV16 6JZ 14 0 52.4512 -2.381018
WV16 6LA 5 0 52.452151 -2.381777