all postcodes in WV16 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV16 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV16 6NN 17 8 52.443498 -2.380172
WV16 6NP 11 0 52.445138 -2.37333
WV16 6NQ 5 0 52.445383 -2.381115
WV16 6NT 11 0 52.446215 -2.379724
WV16 6NU 51 1 52.445287 -2.369006
WV16 6NW 15 0 52.44531 -2.375818
WV16 6NX 6 0 52.434277 -2.365251
WV16 6PB 23 0 52.456548 -2.423594
WV16 6PD 5 0 52.434739 -2.400233
WV16 6PE 4 0 52.437469 -2.414056
WV16 6PF 18 2 52.456371 -2.426695
WV16 6PG 4 0 52.455625 -2.42282
WV16 6PH 16 0 52.465238 -2.434438
WV16 6PJ 4 0 52.468573 -2.42711
WV16 6PL 5 0 52.459999 -2.44732
WV16 6PP 63 3 52.447415 -2.447857
WV16 6PQ 28 1 52.455201 -2.418225
WV16 6PR 3 0 52.444284 -2.434011
WV16 6PS 3 0 52.457532 -2.458733
WV16 6PT 3 0 52.453893 -2.474043