all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 2EU 2 2 52.583544 -2.109505
WV1 2EY 1 1 52.583367 -2.109024
WV1 2HQ 3 3 52.583432 -2.106898
WV1 2HD 18 0 52.583688 -2.091698
WV1 2HE 2 2 52.582826 -2.108425
WV1 2HG 6 1 52.583845 -2.107357
WV1 2HH 3 3 52.583844 -2.105949
WV1 2HJ 3 1 52.583174 -2.10433
WV1 2HL 3 3 52.583632 -2.104656
WV1 2HP 16 0 52.583922 -2.102
WV1 2HR 4 3 52.583588 -2.100694
WV1 2HT 2 2 52.583237 -2.101564
WV1 2HU 19 0 52.583448 -2.09856
WV1 2HW 7 4 52.583463 -2.102825
WV1 2HY 67 2 52.583487 -2.094811
WV1 2PU 25 1 52.584383 -2.088142
WV1 2JA 25 1 52.58388 -2.087477
WV1 2JB 34 0 52.583241 -2.08842
WV1 2JN 50 0 52.582885 -2.09481
WV1 2JR 39 0 52.583797 -2.089956