all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 2LS 20 0 52.586929 -2.096354
WV1 2LT 16 0 52.587118 -2.096015
WV1 2LU 11 0 52.58755 -2.09634
WV1 2LW 25 1 52.586389 -2.097179
WV1 2LX 16 0 52.588126 -2.095441
WV1 2LY 15 0 52.587425 -2.094598
WV1 2LZ 6 0 52.587101 -2.09473
WV1 2NA 4 0 52.587282 -2.093742
WV1 2NB 10 0 52.586833 -2.093711
WV1 2ND 23 1 52.586838 -2.095506
WV1 2NE 41 5 52.585536 -2.096424
WV1 2NF 12 0 52.585112 -2.09784
WV1 2NG 18 0 52.584473 -2.09871
WV1 2NH 1 1 52.583611 -2.097453
WV1 2NL 1 0 52.583908 -2.09738
WV1 2NN 18 0 52.584119 -2.091757
WV1 2NP 32 0 52.58413 -2.089972
WV1 2NQ 17 0 52.583871 -2.098
WV1 2NR 8 0 52.580524 -2.091381
WV1 2NS 4 0 52.58425 -2.097204