all postcodes in WV3 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV3 9ET 0 52.581426 -2.169763
WV3 9EU 0 52.58104 -2.168965
WV3 9EW 0 52.581422 -2.172744
WV3 9EY 0 52.581087 -2.168005
WV3 9EZ 0 52.580296 -2.167943
WV3 9HA 0 52.581573 -2.167269
WV3 9HB 0 52.58204 -2.167552
WV3 9HD 0 52.582389 -2.168542
WV3 9HE 0 52.582953 -2.170285
WV3 9HF 0 52.583266 -2.171954
WV3 9HG 0 52.58319 -2.174168
WV3 9HH 0 52.583847 -2.174052
WV3 9HJ 0 52.584322 -2.174718
WV3 9HL 0 52.585142 -2.173393
WV3 9HN 0 52.584954 -2.172773
WV3 9HP 1 52.58578 -2.173617
WV3 9HQ 0 52.583667 -2.174362
WV3 9HU 0 52.587583 -2.157137
WV3 9HW 0 52.584226 -2.173183
WV3 9HX 0 52.581881 -2.15204