all postcodes in WV3 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV3 9JZ 0 52.587402 -2.15814
WV3 9LA 0 52.587363 -2.158607
WV3 9LB 0 52.58714 -2.159601
WV3 9LD 0 52.58149 -2.149205
WV3 9LE 0 52.581327 -2.149824
WV3 9LF 0 52.580824 -2.149823
WV3 9LG 1 52.581208 -2.15158
WV3 9LH 0 52.58165 -2.156836
WV3 9LJ 0 52.580668 -2.158411
WV3 9LL 0 52.582441 -2.157635
WV3 9LN 0 52.583044 -2.157062
WV3 9LP 0 52.58198 -2.159405
WV3 9LQ 0 52.580961 -2.154959
WV3 9LR 0 52.581107 -2.159977
WV3 9LS 1 52.580423 -2.160167
WV3 9LT 0 52.581105 -2.161601
WV3 9LU 0 52.580356 -2.16328
WV3 9LW 0 52.583186 -2.157948
WV3 9LX 0 52.581523 -2.158178
WV3 9NA 0 52.588952 -2.148315