all postcodes in WV5 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV5 0AA 12 0 52.524727 -2.198241
WV5 0AB 1 0 52.526384 -2.205657
WV5 0AD 48 0 52.526199 -2.200046
WV5 0AE 1 0 52.526569 -2.199163
WV5 0AG 35 0 52.526138 -2.198793
WV5 0AH 20 0 52.52472 -2.19743
WV5 0AL 45 36 52.527641 -2.213171
WV5 0AN 3 1 52.52797 -2.194615
WV5 0AP 8 0 52.528545 -2.195001
WV5 0AQ 30 1 52.525854 -2.202093
WV5 0AR 10 0 52.528391 -2.195678
WV5 0AS 7 1 52.528399 -2.196238
WV5 0AT 22 0 52.529026 -2.197243
WV5 0AU 19 0 52.528719 -2.198274
WV5 0AW 8 3 52.52811 -2.194713
WV5 0AX 25 2 52.529975 -2.199591
WV5 0AY 22 0 52.530495 -2.200552
WV5 0AZ 7 0 52.52921 -2.199971
WV5 0BA 18 0 52.528499 -2.200513
WV5 0BB 27 0 52.527352 -2.203707