all postcodes in WV5 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV5 7BE 1 0 52.537325 -2.299452
WV5 7BG 16 0 52.537648 -2.299542
WV5 7BH 9 0 52.538688 -2.297176
WV5 7BJ 26 0 52.537796 -2.297936
WV5 7DD 6 2 52.542285 -2.307551
WV5 7BL 3 0 52.548168 -2.311777
WV5 7BN 3 0 52.549751 -2.315921
WV5 7BP 5 0 52.540752 -2.31137
WV5 7BQ 1 0 52.5378 -2.300059
WV5 7BS 36 0 52.539037 -2.297974
WV5 7BT 2 0 52.536787 -2.304472
WV5 7BW 17 0 52.544963 -2.317965
WV5 7BY 10 1 52.539301 -2.307368
WV5 7DA 15 1 52.540126 -2.306721
WV5 7DS 17 0 52.539187 -2.306187
WV5 7DE 14 1 52.548377 -2.294572
WV5 7DF 3 0 52.543044 -2.291882
WV5 7DG 6 1 52.548838 -2.28232
WV5 7DH 16 2 52.554671 -2.292929
WV5 7DZ 11 0 52.539198 -2.283467