all postcodes in WV8 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV8 1YR 22 0 52.615573 -2.160472
WV8 1YS 12 0 52.616077 -2.160312
WV8 1YT 50 0 52.617756 -2.155
WV8 1AD 0 52.631965 -2.194116
WV8 1TZ 0 52.619437 -2.174149
WV8 1BF 0 52.630163 -2.201569
WV8 1GP 0 52.628691 -2.200617
WV8 1QP 1 52.640419 -2.222424
WV8 1BS 1 52.619066 -2.163144
WV8 1DT 6 4 52.630929 -2.20568
WV8 1QW 5 0 52.643564 -2.226588
WV8 1FJ 1 0 52.632348 -2.189045
WV8 1FA 4 0 52.632112 -2.190226
WV8 1DF 4 0 52.627343 -2.181947
WV8 2AA 7 0 52.629558 -2.203325
WV8 2AB 15 0 52.628874 -2.204031
WV8 2AD 7 0 52.629584 -2.203886
WV8 2AE 31 0 52.629264 -2.20678
WV8 2AF 26 0 52.628316 -2.204368
WV8 2AG 2 0 52.628136 -2.202708