all postcodes in WV8 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV8 2HA 12 0 52.62221 -2.199982
WV8 2HB 6 0 52.622331 -2.197885
WV8 2HE 1 1 52.610792 -2.205851
WV8 2HF 5 0 52.614925 -2.202193
WV8 2HH 4 0 52.614124 -2.191881
WV8 2HJ 6 6 52.616274 -2.196129
WV8 2HL 3 1 52.617142 -2.214477
WV8 2HN 2 0 52.618795 -2.208277
WV8 2HS 4 1 52.60179 -2.21799
WV8 2HT 15 0 52.613982 -2.220055
WV8 2HU 6 4 52.610462 -2.227717
WV8 2HW 11 0 52.615778 -2.20267
WV8 2HX 9 2 52.620905 -2.2291
WV8 2HY 22 0 52.622279 -2.226483
WV8 2JA 13 0 52.620792 -2.18191
WV8 2JB 4 0 52.617887 -2.176654
WV8 2JD 7 0 52.621129 -2.178824
WV8 2JE 2 0 52.61706 -2.175169
WV8 2JF 18 0 52.618122 -2.176153
WV8 2JG 33 1 52.618129 -2.17763