all postcodes in WV8 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV8 1PA 19 0 52.62647 -2.189601
WV8 1PB 1 1 52.625679 -2.187938
WV8 1PD 1 1 52.624327 -2.186268
WV8 1PE 36 25 52.624635 -2.188746
WV8 1PF 17 4 52.625428 -2.189493
WV8 1PG 50 2 52.628596 -2.191378
WV8 1PH 3 1 52.62741 -2.192057
WV8 1PJ 13 0 52.627093 -2.194006
WV8 1PL 17 0 52.627884 -2.194009
WV8 1PN 4 0 52.62718 -2.195365
WV8 1PP 12 1 52.628294 -2.196139
WV8 1PQ 1 1 52.629909 -2.186986
WV8 1PR 4 0 52.630077 -2.199367
WV8 1PS 11 0 52.629978 -2.199692
WV8 1PT 32 12 52.630454 -2.19962
WV8 1PU 1 1 52.630399 -2.200787
WV8 1PW 8 1 52.629326 -2.196793
WV8 1PX 1 1 52.625667 -2.191961
WV8 1PY 19 0 52.628737 -2.194722
WV8 1PZ 4 0 52.629371 -2.191268