all postcodes in WV9 / WOLVERHAMPTON

find any address or company within the WV9 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV9 5AA 15 0 52.660615 -2.136169
WV9 5AB 34 0 52.661226 -2.136792
WV9 5AD 14 1 52.662261 -2.135686
WV9 5AE 24 0 52.662488 -2.133898
WV9 5AF 6 0 52.662195 -2.130304
WV9 5AG 46 0 52.662718 -2.136915
WV9 5AH 23 0 52.662928 -2.134017
WV9 5AJ 24 0 52.66352 -2.135365
WV9 5AL 12 0 52.664311 -2.135086
WV9 5AN 10 0 52.666379 -2.13459
WV9 5AQ 3 0 52.662603 -2.135022
WV9 5AR 19 0 52.657137 -2.135093
WV9 5AS 14 0 52.656983 -2.136616
WV9 5AW 29 1 52.667376 -2.133154
WV9 5AX 19 0 52.656507 -2.136156
WV9 5AY 37 0 52.655438 -2.135384
WV9 5AZ 13 0 52.656476 -2.137836
WV9 5BA 9 0 52.649175 -2.140301
WV9 5BB 2 0 52.641541 -2.147809
WV9 5BD 14 4 52.637593 -2.168912