all postcodes in YO1 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 6JQ 1 1 53.957699 -1.085491
YO1 6JT 29 14 53.956981 -1.090262
YO1 6JX 49 14 53.956531 -1.090272
YO1 6JY 1 1 53.95678 -1.08987
YO1 6LB 11 4 53.956198 -1.090172
YO1 6LE 19 8 53.956633 -1.089447
YO1 6LF 43 17 53.957492 -1.087852
YO1 6LG 3 0 53.957516 -1.08737
YO1 6LH 11 0 53.955962 -1.089919
YO1 6LJ 19 8 53.957108 -1.088156
YO1 6LN 10 2 53.956986 -1.087382
YO1 6LP 72 4 53.958015 -1.08682
YO1 6LR 23 0 53.956821 -1.087019
YO1 6LT 23 0 53.956974 -1.084608
YO1 6LL 17 0 53.956739 -1.088058
YO1 6WD 1 1 53.957215 -1.08445
YO1 6WE 1 1 53.957141 -1.086479
YO1 6WG 1 1 53.957079 -1.085459
YO1 6WN 1 1 53.956272 -1.084517
YO1 6WP 2 2 53.957999 -1.088313