all postcodes in YO1 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 8BW 1 1 53.959865 -1.079515
YO1 8DA 1 1 53.960033 -1.085014
YO1 8HX 5 0 53.960535 -1.08136
YO1 8NB 1 1 53.958919 -1.080451
YO1 8ND 1 0 53.958992 -1.082948
YO1 8NL 1 1 53.959659 -1.078438
YO1 8NN 10 2 53.960037 -1.077302
YO1 8NQ 17 4 53.960022 -1.077774
YO1 8NS 1 1 53.959877 -1.077534
YO1 8NW 10 0 53.959551 -1.077297
YO1 8QG 14 13 53.960651 -1.084811
YO1 8QJ 12 9 53.960783 -1.084403
YO1 8QN 2 1 53.96029 -1.084606
YO1 8QP 3 3 53.960008 -1.084206
YO1 8QR 11 9 53.959955 -1.083125
YO1 8QT 1 1 53.959799 -1.082672
YO1 8QW 1 1 53.960408 -1.084701
YO1 8QZ 1 1 53.959925 -1.083919
YO1 8RA 11 10 53.95949 -1.08338
YO1 8RJ 5 4 53.959677 -1.083147