all postcodes in YO10 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO10 3EN 9 3 53.95589 -1.062961
YO10 3ST 59 1 53.957959 -1.059775
YO10 3EP 48 0 53.955312 -1.063782
YO10 3EQ 40 0 53.955333 -1.064193
YO10 3ER 8 0 53.955878 -1.066055
YO10 3ES 6 0 53.954854 -1.063807
YO10 3EW 34 0 53.955581 -1.062526
YO10 3EX 26 0 53.953924 -1.062069
YO10 3EY 54 0 53.953456 -1.062034
YO10 3HA 12 0 53.953032 -1.05952
YO10 3HB 15 0 53.953036 -1.05888
YO10 3HD 12 0 53.953693 -1.060222
YO10 3HE 56 0 53.953068 -1.057295
YO10 3HF 47 0 53.952659 -1.061235
YO10 3HG 10 0 53.952625 -1.062669
YO10 3HH 2 2 53.950759 -1.059671
YO10 3HJ 2 0 53.951688 -1.058919
YO10 3HL 6 0 53.9511 -1.058467
YO10 3HN 24 0 53.951436 -1.057773
YO10 3HP 53 0 53.951898 -1.05249