all postcodes in YO12 / SCARBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO12 7SS 0 54.283687 -0.406075
YO12 7AA 4 0 54.281563 -0.406558
YO12 7AB 1 1 54.282249 -0.408127
YO12 7AD 1 1 54.281276 -0.407259
YO12 7AE 1 1 54.28152 -0.408033
YO12 7AF 1 1 54.281701 -0.408794
YO12 7AG 11 2 54.282099 -0.409763
YO12 7AP 34 0 54.281128 -0.408324
YO12 7AQ 1 1 54.282631 -0.409157
YO12 7AR 21 0 54.281434 -0.409695
YO12 7AS 4 2 54.281789 -0.409328
YO12 7AU 20 3 54.28304 -0.408128
YO12 7AX 25 0 54.284081 -0.407321
YO12 7BG 6 3 54.282448 -0.410915
YO12 7BH 13 4 54.281541 -0.410399
YO12 7BJ 17 1 54.280554 -0.411818
YO12 7BL 23 0 54.280822 -0.410993
YO12 7BN 64 2 54.282057 -0.411975
YO12 7BP 13 4 54.281496 -0.411705
YO12 7BS 12 7 54.281351 -0.413646