all postcodes in YO12 / SCARBOROUGH

find any address or company within the YO12 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO12 4ED 2 54.272346 -0.415082
YO12 4EE 0 54.272138 -0.414998
YO12 4EF 0 54.271961 -0.41588
YO12 4EG 7 0 54.27192 -0.416219
YO12 4EH 5 4 54.272005 -0.41723
YO12 4EJ 31 0 54.271736 -0.416595
YO12 4EL 5 4 54.271389 -0.416886
YO12 4EP 51 1 54.27049 -0.416842
YO12 4EQ 13 0 54.270849 -0.417443
YO12 4ER 27 0 54.270294 -0.416927
YO12 4ES 46 0 54.269581 -0.417384
YO12 4ET 42 0 54.269708 -0.418208
YO12 4EU 22 0 54.268913 -0.41721
YO12 4EW 20 1 54.270876 -0.418164
YO12 4EX 34 0 54.269638 -0.416952
YO12 4EY 35 1 54.269232 -0.416154
YO12 4EZ 13 0 54.267727 -0.416518
YO12 4HA 39 30 54.266832 -0.420929
YO12 4HE 4 4 54.265882 -0.415668
YO12 4HF 5 2 54.265618 -0.416846