all postcodes in YO13 / SCARBOROUGH

find any address or company within the YO13 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO13 9AA 1 0 54.22717 -0.559755
YO13 9AB 23 0 54.289947 -0.517913
YO13 9AD 6 0 54.227862 -0.580948
YO13 9AE 51 2 54.227606 -0.586709
YO13 9AF 8 1 54.226219 -0.578795
YO13 9AG 7 0 54.226937 -0.580274
YO13 9AH 9 0 54.227926 -0.58182
YO13 9AJ 43 2 54.227578 -0.585069
YO13 9AL 14 1 54.228438 -0.590179
YO13 9AN 6 0 54.228342 -0.591179
YO13 9BL 8 0 54.223914 -0.587633
YO13 9AP 51 5 54.226204 -0.590577
YO13 9AQ 23 0 54.228118 -0.58051
YO13 9AR 29 0 54.226816 -0.593716
YO13 9AS 6 0 54.226321 -0.591309
YO13 9AT 7 0 54.226269 -0.592293
YO13 9AU 32 0 54.225432 -0.5891
YO13 9AW 2 0 54.228466 -0.593368
YO13 9AX 4 0 54.223739 -0.590339
YO13 9AY 12 0 54.224147 -0.593024